Connecticut Yankee Information
Connecticut Yankee
Organized by Nutmeg Division
September 15-18, 2022
Marriott Hartford/Windsor Airport
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
The convention program begins at noon on Thursday, September 15, and concludes with the Awards Breakfast on Sunday morning. In between, an extensive number of activities are available to attendees: 45 clinic presentations, 22 layouts open for visits, 13 operating sessions, and contests for models and photos. A rare-mileage excursion on the Naugatuck Railroad will run on Friday. Numerous outside attractions, having both rail and general interest themes, are available within a short distance from the hotel.
A welcome reception with snack foods and cash bar takes place on Thursday evening. Saturday evening is set aside for the convention banquet in the spacious ballroom. This is a great opportunity to enjoy the fellowship of your fellow modelers. Greet old friends, meet new ones, and enjoy a meal together. On Sunday morning come to the Awards Breakfast, wherein the winners of the Model and Photo Contests are announced, and recognition is given to new AP Certificate recipients.
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Last updated: 2024-10-16 12:32:52