Group 160 NTRAK Club Information
Located in Los Angeles, Kern, & Ventura Counties, California, USA
Group 160 NTRAK is a modular model railroad club with members in Los Angeles, Kern, and Ventura Counties of Southern California. We display and operate our layouts six or seven times a year throughout these counties.
Group 160 welcomes all those who wish to participate in the enjoyable hobby of N-Scale model railroading, watching real trains, talking about trains, and just about anything train related. Owning a module is not a requirement and anyone who wishes to operate trains is just as welcome to join. We even offer Youth membership to those between 12 & 18 years of age.
Group 160’s layouts are modular in nature and adhere to the NTRAK and T-TRAK standards. The Main theme of Group 160’s NTRAK modules depicts the Pacific Northwest lumber industry. The club owns four corner modules, a small town, an animated tornado & fireworks factory, a yard, and an access bridge to the inside of the layout. The remainder of the layout modules are owned by members of the club. Members’ modules express a broad range of interests including: small towns & industries, orange groves and fruit packing, a gorge, and even the English countryside.